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1. Introduction to Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Cloud platform allows us to deploy our application and services and make them available in just a few minutes. When we need to scale an application cloud can easily scale it to handle more traffic in just a few configuration and setup.This tutorial will cover PCF in details.

2. Pivotal Web Services and understanding Org and Space

In this article we will create our account for Pivotal Web Services and get started with Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Also we will discuss various terms associated with PCF like ORG, Space etc.

3. Installing CF CLI - Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface

The Cloud Foundry (cf) command line interface (CLI) provides a set of commands for managing your apps. Cloud Foundry CLI is used for pushing and managing your apps.Cloud Foundry CLI is an amazing tool that helps us to play with our applications,services,orgs, spaces,routes etc.In this article we will discuss how to install CF CLI.

4. Deploy Spring Boot application to Pivotal Cloud Foundry

In this tutorial we will create a simple Spring Boot Application and after development of application we will deploy it to Pivotal Cloud Foundry(PCF).

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