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Spring Boot Development Environment Setup

In this tutorial we will discuss about various tools used in Spring Boot Application Development.

Tools Required For Spring Boot Application Development

  • Java JDK 1.8 or higher
  • Maven 3.2.5 or higher/Gradle 3.4.1 or higher
  • IDE like STS, Eclipse, IntelliJ

The first step in getting started with Spring Boot Framework is to download and configure our development enviornment. I am assuming Java and Maven is installed and configured in your system. Java and Maven installation is not in the scope of this tutorial.

There are various IDEs available for Spring Boot Development.You can use eclipse which is a very very popular development tool for java application development.After eclipse IntelliJ was introduced and it has very nice features with Rich UI and customization of all the modules. Its licensed tool and you can use it by purchasing a license.

Important Notes About IntelliJ :

You can use IntelliJ 2017.1 and Higher for your Spring Boot Application development.

There are two editions Ultimate Edition and Community Edition. Out of these two ultimate edition is recommended because Community Edition does not have Spring support.

It has Free 30 Day Evaluation. But good thing is Students and Open Source developers can apply for a free license for Ultimate Edition

The one we are going to use in our Spring Boot Application development is called Spring Tool Suite(STS).You can download the Spring Tool Suite by simply visiting to the link https://spring.io/tools/. You can see the Download button for windows or Mac based on your OS as shown below.

STS Installation

If you are working with Spring Boot then its good idea to download and install Spring Tool Suite which is a free tool for developing Spring Boot application.So go ahead and download the Spring Tool Suite(STS) for your PC.

Click on the download button and save the downloaded zip file in your local directory. After that extract the ZIP file in your desired directory of system. It will extract all the STS bundles in your local. Inside STS bundle open the folder sts-3.X.X.RELEASE and you can see STS.exe file as shown below.

STS Installation

Double click on the STS.exe file which will open Spring Tool Suite(STS). First time STS will ask to provide the Workspace location. You need to provide your desired workspace location and click on launch button as shown below.

STS Installation

Once you click on Launch button STS will open. Launching of STS might take some time based on your System Configuration. Next step is to configure the Maven in STS.

Configure Maven in STS:

Follow the steps mentioned below to configure Maven in STS.

Step 1:

click on Window -> Preferences as shown below. It will open preferences window of STS.

STS Installation

Step 3:

In the Global Settings and User Settings provide the path of your Maven installation settings.xml file and click on update settings button. You can find settings.xml file inside Maven Root/conf folder of your maven installaion. In the Local Repository provide the path of your local repository.Refer the Screen shot given below.

STS Installation

Now click on Apply and close button and you are done with STS setup in your local.

In the next article I will discuss about Creating Our First Spring Boot Application - Hello World.

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