Struts Tutorial

Struts is a open source framework which make building of the web applications easier based on the java Servlet and JavaServer pages technologies.Struts is based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm, it is an implementation of JSP Model 2 Architecture.Struts 1.x is a complete web framework, provides complete web form components, validator, internalization, error handling, tiles layout, low learning curve and easy to implement it.

MVC Overview
MVC Introduction

In this tutorial you will learn the Struts MVC Architecuture.The model contains the business logic and interact with the persistance storage to store, retrive and manipulate data.
The view is responsible for dispalying the results back to the user...

Struts Application In Eclipse
Struts Application In Eclipse

In this tutorial we will create a hello world Struts application in Eclipse editor.I have used Eclipse Indigo and Tomcat 6 for developing the example set. We are going to implement a web application using Struts framework which will display Hello World in Browser...

Login Application in Eclipse
Struts Login Application in Eclipse

In this example we will see how to create a login application using Struts. The following files are required for the login application.I have used Eclipse Indigo and Tomcat 6 for developing the example set...

Struts Flow
Struts Flow - How Struts Works

After developing and deploying Struts application on the server, when you start the server following things will happen Container initializes(read the data) web.xml file.When container is reading the data from web.xml It will check all the Servlets configured. If container contains tag more >>

Resources of Struts 1.x
Resources of Struts 1.x Application Development

JSP Program contains presentation logic to generate user interface for end users and to format the result returned by model layer.It is always recommended to develop JSP pages which contains less number of Java codes.To reduce Java Code in JSP application use following JSP Tags more >>

Login Form Example With Struts
Login Form Example With Struts

In This example We are going to implement a web application using Struts framework which will have a login screen. Once the user is authenticated, user will be redirected to a welcome page.This example will take following steps more >>

Types of Form Bean in Struts 1.X
Types of Form Bean in Struts 1.X

A form bean is a type of Java bean. A form bean is an instance of a subclass of an ActionForm class and other FormBean class, which stores HTML form data from a submitted client request or that can store input data from a Struts action link that a user clicked. You can divide Form Beans into two types more >>

Action Class in Struts Framework
Action Class in Struts Framework

An action class handles the client request and prepares the response. It also decides where the response should be forwarded. Basically an action class receives data from the presentation layer and forwards the data to the corresponding business layer. more >>

Introduction to Modules in Struts Application
Introduction to Modules in Struts Application

Generally a large application will be divided into various modules.These modules will be developed by various teams and finally when you are integrating each module, you may feel it as complex task.Apache has analysed all these problems and introduced Struts Modules more >>

Struts DispatchAction Tutorial
Struts Dispatch Action Tutorial

DispatchAction provides a mechanism for grouping a set of related functions into a single action, instead of writing separate actions for each functions.In this example we will see how to group a set of user related actions like insert user, update user,save user and search user into a single action class UserAction. more >>

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